Riot Games has routinely released skins associated with it, generally with a Chinese theme. Based on recent years and our market understanding, the following skin lines are likely to reappear: These events adhere to a tight schedule based on real-world and in-game dates. In fact, it's becoming increasingly unusual for new skins to be created that aren't related to a certain theme or event.
League of Legends contains recurrent events that use the same skin themes over and over. What skins lines are guaranteed to return in 2023
One recurring joke in the League of Legends community is that the most popular champions are lined up and ready to print money should Riot Games ever run low. Each new patch includes at least a few skins from popular skin series such as Snow Showdown, Project, and Pool Party. Riot Games, the League of Legends publisher, accustomed their gamers to a consistent pace of skin releases spread throughout the year.